Spring Newsletter 2024

295 SPRING NEWSLETTER 2024 As we approach the end of another enriching term at Thornleigh Salesian College, we are delighted to share some highlights of the incredible journey students in Year 8 have embarked on over the past few months. First and foremost, we celebrated Don Bosco Day with great enthusiasm. This special occasion not only allowed our students to reflect on life and times of our patron saint, Don Bosco, but also provided an opportunity for reflection on the values of kindness, empathy, and community that Don Bosco epitomised. It was heart-warming to witness our students embracing these values and fostering a spirit of doing ordinary things extraordinarily well among their peers. This period of Lent has also provided a time for personal growth in Year 8. Our students engaged in various activities and discussions, exploring the significance of sacrifice, compassion, and renewal as we continue to “grow together” as a year group. Students have started exploring careers in their Curriculum for Life sessions, this has allowed them really think about what the next year, or years, might look like for them. It has also been great to see Year 8 participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities, from sports and arts to volunteering and leadership initiatives. These activities have strengthened their relationship with the school community as we look to embed our school values of respect, understanding, affection and humour in all that we do. Finally, we just wanted to thank all parents for their ongoing support. Together, we are able to ensure that students are well-equipped to embrace all challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, both academically and personally. We end by celebrating the achievements and growth of our students during this term and hope that they have a lovely Easter break before their final term of the year. Miss Salisbury, Mr Pierce and Mr Philipson Year 8 Sporting Activities A big well done to all students who are members of sporting teams at Thornleigh. We have seen great success with our basketball and girls football team in particular. We appreciate your ongoing commitment to your school and thank you for flying the Year 8 flag high. Upcoming Events The Savio trip is fast upon us and Fr Saju, Mrs McKenna and Mr Pierce are looking forward to it. For those that don’t know, any trip to Savio is always a fantastic time. Set in the gorgeous Cheshire countryside, Savio House is a Salesian retreat centre that Thornleigh has been visiting for years. Students spend time enjoying one another’s company, solving challenges, going on walks and unwinding from the day-to-day routine. If you are interested, speak to Fr Saju in Chaplaincy. Well done Maddison! A big well done to Maddison in 8 Kappa who has been working really hard in dance of late. This hard work certainly paid off a couple of weeks ago as Maddison was entered into the Dance Nation Championships for 2024 in both the U14 Intermediate Solo Grand Final and the U14 Intermediate Slow Final. Be Kind to My Mind It is really important to recognise the moments when we need to take a step back, take a breath and reset. If every you feel like you might need it, www.bekindtomymind.co.uk is a fantastic resource for all young people in Bolton to use should you feel like you’re struggling with your mental health. Savio House Retreats Year 9 students and staff are really looking forward to the three day retreat this month. More information will follow in the next newsletter. Year 9 Football News The Year 9 football team are currently playing a match against Bolton School in the Semi Final of the Bolton Cup. We wish the team the best of luck! Leo T Swimming News Congratulations to Leo T who this weekend has won all races in his age group across 400m up to 1500m in Sheffield at the National Qualifier. He has already qualified for five events at British National Level well done Leo! Options Evening A big thank you to all the Year 9 students and families that attended the Options Evening Event what a great start to the future journey at Thornleigh. Thank you for making appointments with form tutors to discuss your child’s option choices in more detail. Attendance Thank you for your ongoing support with Attendance across Year 9 every day and lesson counts! Student of the Week This term are Erin S, Lola K, Malachy H and Jacob H - congratulations. Year 9