Spring Newsletter 2024

434 SPRING NEWSLETTER 2024 Medical Society Our Medical Society has expanded recently, with more and more students joining over the last couple of months. They have participated in workshops including tooth health and anatomy, chest x-ray readings, the workings of the heart and the key lobes of the brain. Now that Spring is in sight, we are also looking forward to organising charity walks to raise much needed funds and awareness for medical charities including the British Heart Foundation and Bolton Hospice. Numeracy Mentoring Some of our A Level Maths students have taken on the role as numeracy mentor this half-term, working with a small group of Year 10 students to help them to secure those high maths grades. Good luck to Year 10’s in their upcoming PPEs. Uniformd Our Sixth Form student team continue to run the successful Uniformd Project, where our parents and carers can buy high quality second-hand school uniforms. A huge thank you to them for their commitment and to our parents and carers who have donated to the project so generously. Sign Language Our students continue to work towards completing the nationally recognised Sign Language qualification they have signed up to, involving a combination of online modules and face-to-face delivery buy our Sign Language teacher. We look forward to signing up our next batch of students next half-term to complete this brilliant qualification. Fundraising We are so proud of Ayesha in Year 13 who completed a day long sponsored silence in aid of Pakeeza Trust which supports widows and orphans. Anyone who knows Ayesha knows that she will have found this a challenge!! Ayesha raised over £350 for this amazing charity. St. John Ambulance First Aid Training St. John Ambulance will be coming to Thornleigh to deliver some important first aid to some of our Sixth Form students over the next few months. Sessions will focus on chest pain, choking, bleeding, joint pain and blood loss. Our Debating Society has also expanded recently! Topics and debates explored by our members this half-term have included: Is silence the virtue of fools? Do we live in a civilised society? Are we too late to save the planet? Success covers a multitude of blunders and Does social media do more harm than good? Our students look forward to developing their debating and public speaking skills next halfterm with other current and important topics. One of our DebSoc members, Ben in Year 12, represented Thornleigh Sixth Form wonderfully in the Catenian Public Speaking Contest in February with the topic ‘silence is the virtue of fools”. Ben spoke with confidence and eloquence and we are super proud of him! Debating Society and Catenian Competition