Please click on the link below to access our Uniformd shop:
September 2023-2024 Uniform List
All students attending Thornleigh Salesian College are expected to wear full school uniform.
A high standard of personal appearance is an asset to each student and the school seeks parental support in the maintenance of such an appearance. We expect students to represent Thornleigh Salesian College with pride.
Items marked * must be obtained from the outfitters. Other items can be purchased where you will.
Girls’ Uniform
- Plain black formal school shoes (These must be below the ankle with a maximum heel of 3cm/1inch –no boots or shoe boots, no trainers, leisure shoes or canvas pumps. Nike/Adidas/Vans/Converse shoes are not permitted)
- Brown school skirt (special dye): top of the knee length to allow for growth during the year and/or brown trousers (available only from school outfitters) *
- Pale blue blouse (shirt-style, top button must be fastened)
- Clip-on school tie*
- White knee socks or black/brown tights. Black tights must be a minimum of 60 denier
- School blazer *
Girls’ Optional Uniform Items
- Outdoor coats (including anoraks and rain coats) must be plain black. The school PE rain jacket may also be worn as an outdoor coat. Hooded/Zip-Up Hooded jumpers (including the school version) and tracksuit jackets are not permitted as an outdoor coat.
- Brown school pullover (special dye) *
- School scarf - no other scarf may be worn *
Girls’ PE & School Sport Kit
- School branded white aertex school polo shirt*
- School branded black school skort*
- School purple & black coloured long socks*
- Appropriate training shoes (these should be running trainers/astro turf shoes - no pumps or leisure shoes)
- Shin guards
Girls Optional Items of PE Kit
- School branded purple & black rain jacket*
- School branded PE leggings*
- School branded plain black tracksuit bottoms (no logos/stripes etc.)
- School branded sweatshirt*
Boys’ Uniform
- Plain black formal school shoes (These must be below the ankle–no boots or shoe boots, no trainers, leisure shoes or canvas pumps. Nike/Adidas/Vans/Converse shoes are not permitted)
- Dark-coloured socks
- Black trousers (standard fitting - no skinny fit, cords, denims or canvas trousers allowed)
- Plain white shirt (not patterned – top button must be fastened)
- School blazer *
- Clip-on school tie*
Boys’ Optional Uniform Items
- Outdoor coats (including anoraks and rain coats) must be plain black. The school PE rain jacket may also be worn as an outdoor coat. Hooded/Zip-Up Hooded jumpers (including the school version) and tracksuit jackets are not permitted as an outdoor coat.
- Brown school pullover (special dye) *
- School scarf - no other scarf may be worn *
Boys’ PE & School Sport Kit
- School branded purple shirt*
- School branded black shorts*
- School purple & black long socks*
- Appropriate training shoes - (these should be running trainers/astro turf shoes - no pumps or leisure shoes)
- Football boots with plastic moulded or rubber studs (required for grass pitches)
- Shin guards
- Gum shield
Boys Optional Items of PE Kit
- White t-shirt with Thornleigh logo*
- School branded purple & black rain jacket*
- School branded plain black tracksuit bottoms (no logos/stripes etc.)
- School branded zip-up mid-layer*
- Purple or black base-layer
Fashions change so frequently that it is not possible to cater for every possibility in print. SLT, therefore, reserves the right to decide what is and what is not allowed, both in uniform and general appearance, in cases not catered for by specific rules. It would be advisable, when in doubt, for parents to contact the school before spending money on styles/items that might not be allowed.
No jewellery except watches may be worn by boys or girls. For safety reasons, NO PIERCINGS are to be worn in school. Tattoos, body piercings and jewelled teeth are not allowed. Students will be required to remove jewellery and hand it over to a Year Leader if they arrive at school wearing any.
No nail varnish, false nails, false eye-lashes, false tan or make-up may be used at school. Fingernails must be short, neat and clean. Students will be required to remove makeup, nail varnish, false nails and eyelashes if they arrive at school wearing any.
Hair must be one natural colour and a consistent length. Hair should be no shorter than a number-3 at the back and sides. Skin-fades are not permitted. Undercuts are not permitted. Lines or ‘V’ cuts should not be shaved into hair styles. Senior boys must be clean-shaven. SLT reserve the right to make a judgement about what represents an extreme haircut. Students will not be allowed to access classes in the event of these rules being broken.
A hard wearing school bag is required for books/homework, as well as for basic equipment such as pens/biro, pencil, ruler, calculator, rubber, highlighters and coloured pencils. A reading book is required each day. This basic equipment MUST be brought to school each day along with any necessary books, kit or equipment. NOTE - Parents are requested to maintain a close check on the condition of their child's text and exercise books. We ask students to pay for lost or damaged items.
Students should have a separate bag for PE and sport kit.
Mobile phones are not allowed to be used anywhere on the school site at any time of day. If a student brings in a phone then it must be turned off and in a bag. Anyone seen with a phone, whether they are using it or not, will have it confiscated and parents will be contacted to collect. The phone will not be returned to the student. SMART (IE, Apple) watches should not be worn in school.
Students are not permitted to wear headphones/airpods during the school day. Any student using personal headphones/airpods without permission will have them confiscated.
Energy drinks, fizzy drinks and chewing gum are also not permitted at any time in school. Students are not permitted to bring in large quantities of confectionery, sweets and crisps. Students with these items will have them confiscated and they will not be returned to the student. Parents may come into school to claim the property back.
If, for exceptional reasons, large amounts of money or valuables need to be brought into school, they should be given to the Year team for safe keeping. However, please note that this is a facility offered to aid security; any teacher providing such a service is not accepting responsibility for the money or valuables. Any valuables left in pockets or bags are left at students' own risk.
While every effort will be made by normal supervision, discipline and inquiry to safeguard students' property, the school authorities cannot accept responsibility in the case of damage or loss.
Parents may deem it advisable to insure against such loss with their House Contents Insurance Policy. It is a student’s responsibility to hand in valuable items to a member of staff at the start of a PE lesson. School will not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to any item not handed in.
Students must not buy or sell any goods in school. Any student found to be doing this, will have the goods confiscated before being placed on a Leadership Detention.
You can purchase items of school uniform from the following school outfitters:
Harrisons, 467A Blackburn Road, Bolton
Whittakers, 106 Deansgate, Bolton
Smart, Units 5,6,7 Blackhorse Street
Ziggy’s Schoolwear, 6 Brackley St, Farnworth, Bolton