Home Technology
Key Stage 4 Overview
Food technology follows the hospitality and catering route and provides students with a hands on approach to learning about food production and presentation. Students will look at the different ways the sector meets the needs of consumers and become aware of the needs of consumers.
This course equips learners with a range of skills and provide opportunities to develop transferable skills such as research, planning, and evaluation, working with others and developing food products effectively. This hands on approach links into the production and planning skills that would be required of those entering the sector and provides many opportunities for enrichment within the curriculum. In this qualification, learners will also have the opportunity to develop food preparation and cooking skills as well as transferable skills of problem-solving, organisation and time management, planning and communication.
This course takes a look at sector and the different types of venues that produce and serve food products. Students will learn about how menus and dishes will need to be adapted to meets the needs of the consumer visiting the establishment, discovering how customer expectations impacts on the experience that they have.
Students study the following 2 units across Year 10 and 11:
Year 10 The Hospitality and Catering Industry 40% (Written Paper: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Looking at the industry as a sector and the range of different ways that consumer needs are meet.
Year 11 Hospitality and catering in action 60% (Coursework unit)
Planning, creating and evaluating a range of dishes to meet the needs of a brief set by the examination board.