Celebrating Holy Week and the Easter Triduum at Home

Holy Week and the Easter Triduum are the central liturgies of the Christian faith. During these holy days, we commemorate the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We give thanks and praise to God for the gift of new life and redemption. Normally, the Christian people gather together in cathedrals, churches, and chapels to celebrate these sacred times. During this time of pandemic, however, we are staying home, protecting our NHS and saving lives.
While we cannot gather in church we know that the Church is more than just the building. WE ARE THE CHURCH ‘when two our more are gathered in my name, I am present’ therefore, as we stay home and stay safe I would like to encourage you to celebrate these days of the Triduum with prayer for yourself, your loved ones, and most importantly, for our hurting world.
The Salesian family and our Salesian community in Thornleigh House are providing you and your families a way in which you can focus your prayer during these important days. Each celebration (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Sunday) will be live streamed on Salesian Link Facebook page. You and your families are invited to join us as we celebrate each service from our school chapel. Attached to this notification is a timetable of events.
Of course, I am aware that your own parish communities may well be celebrating the events of the Triduum and I encourage you to join them live on their streams if you usually would.
Can I take this time to offer you and your families my prayers and greetings for the Easter celebrations? Please remember to stay safe and protect your families.
May God our loving Father bless you and hold you in the palm of His hands.
Brother Steven Lloyd SDB- Teacher of RE & Chaplaincy Co-ordinator
Praying at home
Praying is never easy to start doing, however, creating a place as the focus of your prayer can help. I suggest that you use a table that you create or a family altar that you may already have.
You could use the mantel over the fireplace or even a small coffee table in the corner of your living room, I have even seen a section of a bookcase used.
To set the space up, use a candle and a cross as a focal point maybe even a Bible or Holy Book, or even a holy picture themed on the Gospel of Sunday or of the day.
Spend five to ten minutes each day in that prayer area you have set up, offer your day to God or thank God for the day you have just had.
Pray the traditional prayers; Our Father, Hail Mary and the Glory be
Meditate, put on some calming music and focus on your breathing, this is a very traditional form of prayer.