Year 13 History Trip to London!

Year 13 A Level History students visited London on 14th October to take in the sites and see some areas of real historical significance to their A Level studies.
Following an early start train at 6:20am, students travelled down to London where they first took in the exhibits of the Imperial War Museum. Students were particularly captured by the Holocaust exhibition and how it displayed the horrors of the treatment of Jews during WW2. After that, students walked from The Mall to Buckingham Palace (where King Charles III was in), and then walked through Green Park to spend some downtime getting lunch and shopping around Oxford Circus. In the afternoon students were able to walk along South Bank before heading for a tour around parliament. Students were able to see the different branches of the government, including the Houses of Commons and Lords. A quick stop off in Leicester Square for some tea before a train journey home at the end of a long day. Students were a credit to Thornleigh and had a brilliant day.
See the fantastic photos from the trip...