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History GCSE is a popular GCSE option. As such we endeavour to ensure students have a varied and enriching experience.  Throughout Year 9,10, 11 students build up their level of understanding of the content and develop the key skills they need to do well in GCSE History.  The exam board studied at GCSE is Edexcel.

Year 10

  • American West c.1835 – 1895 part II. This unit looks at how the American West developed including how law and order became a problem and conflict with native Americans.
  • Anglo Saxon and Norman England. This unit will look at what England was like before 1066, the claims to the throne of 1066 and the battles of 1066.
  • Germany 1918-1939 Part I This unit looks at the problems facing Germany after World War One, the rise of Hitler and the Nazis.

Year 11

  • Germany 1918-1939 Part II This unit looks at life in Nazi Germany
  • Medicine 1250-present day. This unit will look at the development of medicine c. 1250 – present, considering themes such as what causes disease, how it is treated and how the spread of illness can be prevented. 
  • Treatment of wounded soldiers in World War One.  This unit builds on students understanding of World War One but focuses on how medicine changed during the war.