Summer Newsletter 2022

Dear Parent / Carer, and Friends of Thornleigh Salesian College, F or the first time since the academic year 2018-2019 we have finally completed a full academic year with all students and staff in school for three consecutive terms – it certainly feels like a great achievement! Wh ilst we cannot over estimate the impact of the pandemic on all our lives, it has been wonderful to see so many of our students return to accessing all the opportunities that school can once again offer. We have seen and heard our school come back to life this year and I know that this will continue to grow and develop as we move into the next academic year. Th e year has not been without its challenges though and I am deeply grateful to all the staff who have worked tirelessly for our students and to all our parents and carers who have been so supportive through those times that have been the most difficult. W e continue to build on our excellent relationships with our parish communities and we were privileged to welcome the Bishop to school in June to confirm our Year 8 Students who have been prepared in their parishes and in school for their Confirmation – it was a wonderful celebration. As we move into the summer holidays, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a restful and enjoyable summer holiday. Wit h best wishes HEADTEACHER’S MESSAGE 2 SUMMER NEWSLETTER 2022