Spring Newsletter 2024

6 SPRING NEWSLETTER 2024 Follow us @tsc_re RE This term has seen the continuation of the Confirmation Programme. Thornleigh continues its involvement by engaging students both within school and the parish to celebrate and learn about this Sacrament. The Year 8 RE curriculum parallels the Confirmation Programme with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit being taught in the upcoming topics. We will be hosting three more sessions at Thornleigh with the last one being the Confirmation service itself on Thursday 20th June. Staff look forward to sharing in this spiritual journey of our young people over the coming months. Sacraments in RE The Faith in Action Award has been launched once again this year - an opportunity for Year 7 students to actively develop their relationship with God and put their faith into action! They have been invited to work towards the Pin Award which involves them gaining credits by completing 10 hours of service within school and 10 hours outside of school. Activities can consist of fundraising, planning an assembly or liturgy, and altar serving to name a few. Those who are successful will be rewarded with a pin badge and certificate and the knowledge they have made a difference in the world around them so that all might know the joys of the Gospel! Faith in Action During this term students in Year 11 had the amazing opportunity to speak to Ann Angel. As a reform Jew she spoke to students about her life and what her faith means to her as well as how she practices her faith. She brought lots of religious artifacts in for students to see as well as some Challah bread that is used for celebrating the Shabbat at home. This was an exciting and educational visit for our Year 11 students who were preparing not only for their PPE’s but also their upcoming final exams. Judaism Talk Every Friday we have offered RE revision for Year 11 students to prepare them for their PPE’s and their upcoming final exams. These revision masterclasses have focused on decoding questions, compound planning exam answers, revising key words and creating revision resources that can be used at home; as well as finishing the hour off with a pizza! Well done to all our students who have committed to this revision every week and keep up the great work. Year 11 Revision In Year 9 students have been studying Mark’s Gospel. During this topic students have been analysing the Gospel with a focus on the miracles and parables of Jesus as well key events such as Jesus’ baptism and the transfiguration. Students were given their own copy of the Gospel to support with their reading and homework tasks. All this work will build up to the final topics where students explore the events of Holy Week in more detail than they have previously with a focus on the trial of Jesus. Mark’s Gospel