Spring Newsletter 2024

4 SPRING NEWSLETTER 2024 The student council has been coordinating and supporting all members of the school community casting their vote in the elections for the Youth Member of Parliament Elections 2024. The two candidates with the most votes will represent Bolton as Youth MPs. They represent our young people who are looked after in Bolton by supporting the work of the Voice 4 U Children in Care Council, they have delivered Super Citizenship Days in school, represented Bolton at the House of Commons, and campaigned around improving the mental services and reducing the stigma attached to young people to name a few. As well as representing the children and young people of Bolton; nationally and regionally Youth MPs sit on council meetings, Local Strategic Partnership meetings, Youth Action boards, meet with Senior adults from the Local Authority and partners to champion young people’s views. Yet again Thornleigh Salesian College were lucky enough to have a candidate Aiden in Year 8. Aiden “I’m doing it all for you”. His campaign focused on the three elements below 1. Advocate for equality and inclusion across all sectors addressing issues such as homophobia and racism. 2. I will promote how young people can get access to services like counselling or therapy. 3. Promoting positive interactions between young people from all backgrounds. Youth Parliament We are very excited that two members of our student council have been selected to become campaign champions - Iman in 10D and Alessandro 9K. As Campaign Champions they will be trained up with the knowledge and skills they need to engage in activities in the local community and at a national level to call on the UK government to protect children’s learning in times of emergencies. This includes lots of exciting activities - delivering assemblies to schools and community groups, leading lessons, talking to the local media, taking part in photo stunts, meeting with parliamentarians and speaking on panels with other campaigners and government Ministers, attending webinars, and much more! The Campaign Champions will be invited to attend a Parliamentary Action Day on the 11th June 2024. My Friend to School is a group of international development NGOs, teachers’ unions and charities. It brings together young people, politicians, teachers, civil society and the media in joint campaigning to demand quality education for all children across the globe. Each year around 250,000 UK schools, teachers and young people take part in the campaign, teaching young people the power and importance of using their voices in chorus with others across the globe to create positive change. Send My Friend to School is the UK coalition of the Global Campaign for Education movement which is present in over 90 countries around the world Send My Friend Campaign Champions